Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ayam Goreng Uncle Bob

Rasanya ramai dah tahu n pernah rasa ayam goreng uncle bob ni.. Kat putrajaya ni ayam goreng ni ada dijual kat pasar malam/pasar tani putrajaya setiap hari selasa n jumaat.

Mr Hubby suke sangat beli walaupun orang beratur panjang... sanggup je tunggu. Pastu mesti beli dua sebab nak lepaskan geram dah beratur lama sangat...

Balik umah, dah penat.. tak habis pun makan nye!

So, untuk mengelakkan pembaziran apa kata kita jadi kreatif sket.. Simpan ayam goreng dulu ayam goreng yang tak habis tu dulu dalam peti sejuk.

The first thing in the morning, di saat-saat budak masih tidur, tengok kat dapur dan dalam peti sejuk korang ada tak bahan-bahan kat atas ni?  Kalau ada, dah boleh mula.

Potong dulu bawang, tomato and ayam goreng uncle bob leftovers kecil-kecil. Pre-heat your pan dan cairkan sedikit marjerin.

Next, goreng bawang.

Bila dah layu dan nampak a bit brown, masukkan ayam.

Add a pinch of salt to taste.

Add the chopped tomato.

Kacau sekejap.. then tutup api. Pastu masukkan daun salad dan gaulkan.

Ok dah siap. Now, cube tengok ada tak biskut ke, roti ke, tortilla ke, roti pita ke...
Saya ada roti...

So, boleh buat sandwich utk breakfast. Makan dengan sos cili and serve with your favourite morning tea or any other drinks. By the time siap, budak-budak dah bangun n Mr Hubby pun turun dan tanya apa tu? Just say "Suprise" :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Biological Age Test Results

I did an online biological test just now here and the result was...

Chronological age is 32

Biological age is 42 (10 years older than my real age!! yikes)

The way that you are currently living your life may mean that you are aging faster than most people in modern society. You may look and feel older than most other people your age, and this could be reflected in your level of energy, strength, vitality, mental and emotional stability, resistance to disease and general well-being
Your current rate of aging and risk of degenerative diseases is higher than what most doctors, insurance companies and modern health institutions expect for someone your age. Every person is different when it comes to health and aging, with degenerative diseases (such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, cancer, depression, etc) manifesting at the weakest points in the body. As the years go by, your risk of suffering from one or more degenerative diseases may be higher than what our society regards as 'normal', but significantly higher than what you could actually achieve

General Health

You are aging at a rate faster than you need to, scope for improvement

Immune System

Your immune system is not functioning as well as it could be, scope for improvement

Toxic Load

You are suffering from a high toxic load on your body, and this is contributing to aging faster than is necessary

Body Fat / Weight

Below average. Diet, lifestyle, poor habits or emotional needs are contributing to aging faster than is necessary


Scope for improvement. Your current exercise regime is contributing to aging faster than is necessary

Stress / Expectations

A different outlook on life will slow your rate of aging and improve your health

Food & Digestion

Scope for improvement in this crucial area. Without effective digestion the benefits of an excellent diet are wasted. Other positive factors which you may have in your life, such as good exercise, lifestyle and outlook, will also be less effective

Male / Female

There is plenty of scope for improvement here, no matter what your circumstances

BMI: 24.4.

You are on the heavy side of normal. This gives you a reasonable prognosis for longevity and good health, especially if a high proportion of your body weight is muscle rather than fat. However, to optimise your chances of a long life and total health, you could lose a little more body fat

The most important things you can do are:
  • gently adopt more healthy living habits and attitudes that really feel good for you (the test is that you'll be feeling happy and really enjoying your life)
  • so they are easy and feel quite natural to continue with for the rest of your life
  • ensure you are familiar with the most important life extension basics, then get the best possible information available on aging

To your very long and youthful life,

David Niven Miller

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